Seasonal Flavour: Red Glow

Your Seasonal Boost for Energy & Wellness: Red Glow! 

Feeling tired after the festive season? No worries! Red Glow is here to revitalize you. Packed with high fibre and a rich infusion of Vitamin C, sip on Red Glow and leaving you feeling energized and refreshed!

– Improves Blood Circulation
– Immune System Support
– Hydration
– Energy Boost
– Rich in fibre and omega-3s

Beetroot, Apple, Orange, Chia Seed

Enjoy this limited-time flavor and feel the glow inside and out! 🤗

RM 10.90

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Introducing our new seasonal cold-pressed juice, Red Glow!

Looking for a health-boosting or energy-packed refreshment? Red Glow is the perfect blend of flavour and wellness. Don’t miss out on this limited-time seasonal treat—get yours while it lasts!




Additional information


Seasonal Flavour, Limited time only


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